Role of nurses in approach and management of urinary incontinence in women


  • Emanuela Cardoso da Silva
  • Alessandra de Souza
  • Elaine da Silva Lima
  • Eloá Galbiatti Saes
  • Marcilene Rodrigues Matos
  • João Júnior Gomes



education continuing, primary health care, urinary incontinence, nursing


In this study aimed to identify the scientific productions available in the literature on knowledge and strategies used by nurses who work in the primary health care to approach and management of women with urinary incontinence (UI). This is an integrative review. It was found 2.254 articles of which only 01 met all the inclusion criteria. The article was published in 2009, in a multidisciplinary journal, in Portuguese, written by nurses. It was rated level 4 of evidence. This study showed that there is lack of literature related to the topic.

Author Biographies

Alessandra de Souza

Enfermeira RT do Lar São Vicente de Paula. Alfenas – MG. Especializada em Gerontologia; Estomaterapeuta pela FAMERP. Enfermeira.

Elaine da Silva Lima

Enfermeira administrativa unidade de internação no Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo. São Paulo – SP. Estomaterapeuta pela FAMERP. Enfermeira.

Eloá Galbiatti Saes

Enfermeira do Hospital de Câncer de Barretos, Unidade III – Jales. Estrela d'Oeste – SP. Estomaterapeuta pela FAMERP. Enfermeira.

Marcilene Rodrigues Matos

Consultora Técnica Nacional Comercial Hospitalar. Ribeirão Preto – SP. Estomaterapeuta pela FAMERP. Enfermeira.

João Júnior Gomes

Coordenador Pedagógico de Pós-graduação latu sensu Enfermagem em Estomaterapia FAMERP. Diretor da Educative. Doutorando em Ciências da Saúde pela FAMERP. Enfermeiro.





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