Proper management of clothing used by family careers of patients in insulation environments




Hospital clothing management, biosafety, standard precaution, isolation patient


Introduction: Family caregivers are likely to take microorganisms home through clothes used in the hospital environment. Therefore, to avoid cross-contamination, it is necessary to correctly perform the hygiene/washing of clothes used in the hospital environment, which includes care such as: correct packaging, storage and transport. Objective: To describe the result of the application of guidelines on the management of clothing used by companions of patients hospitalized in isolation environments of a reference hospital in infectology as an aid in breaking the chain of transmission of microorganisms. Methodology: This was a descriptive, prospective study with a quantitative approach. Results: Forty family caregivers of patients in isolation were interviewed, of which 82.5% had never received guidance on the proper handling of clothing used in the hospital environment, 42.9% had already spent one day to five years with the hospitalized patient. , of the total 80% were the patient's mothers aged between 40 and 60 years and 25% were from the interior of the state and did not exchange and those who informed that they did, 35% reported that they stayed up to 7 days without any family member showing up for make the switch. Conclusion: Therefore, through this study, we realize the need to update the guidelines regarding the processing of clothing used in health services, focusing on the control and prevention of risks associated with this activity.

Author Biographies

Rosiane Sales Melo

Enfermeira especialista, graduada pelo Centro Universitário Nilton Lins – UNINILTONLINS. Manaus, AM - Brasil

Thayanne Sá Bezerra Guerreiro

Enfermeira especialista, graduada pelo Centro Universitário Nilton Lins – UNINILTONLINS. Manaus, AM - Brasil

Priscila Brito Albuquerque de Oliveira

Enfermeira especialista, graduada pela Universidade do Norte-UNINORTE. Manaus - AM, Brasil

Antônio Salles Arraes Pedrosa Barreto

Enfermeiro especialista, atuando como assistencial na Fundação de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado-FMT/HVD. Manaus - AM

Ronny Pimentel Assis

Enfermeiro especialista, atuando como assistencial na Fundação de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado-FMT/HVD. Dom Pedro, Manaus - AM

Sergio Pimentel de Carvalho

Farmacêutico especialista, atuando no laboratório de análises clinicas da na Fundação de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado-FMT/HVD. Dom Pedro, Manaus - AM

Ana Maria Campos Reinalde

Acadêmica, graduanda de enfermagem pelo Centro Universitário Nilton Lins – UNINILTONLINS. Av. Prof. Nilton Lins, 3259 – Flores. Manaus, AM - Brasil

Alessandra Azevedo Braga

Acadêmica do curso de direito da faculdade UNIME, Salvador - BA

Arimatéia Portela de Azevedo

Enfermeiro Mestre – membro da comissão de controle de infecção hospitalar-CCIH da Fundação de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado-FMT/HVD. Manaus – AM. Professor do curso de enfermagem na Universidade Nilton Lins





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