Desfechos perinatais de mulheres acompanhadas na atenção primária à saúde
Pré-natal, Saúde materno-infantil, Período perinatal, Desfechos perinataisAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the perinatal outcomes of women followed up
in Primary Health Care in a city in northwest Paraná between 2019
and 2020. Method: this is a descriptive and exploratory study, with a
quantitative approach, with women who underwent prenatal care at
the Basic Health Unit. Data were collected through electronic medical
records and telephone interviews. A questionnaire was applied about
maternal sociodemographic characteristics, aspects of the current pregnancy,
and characteristics of childbirth and newborns. Data analysis
was performed using descriptive statistics. Results: the newborns had
adequate weight and gestational age, in addition to the absence
of deaths. However, some outcomes need to be further investigated,
such as high cesarean section rates. Conclusion: deliveries 2 perinatal
deliveries were prenatal among women who encompass the UBS of
northwest Paraná019 and 2020 maternal as sociodemographic characteristics,
as for newborns and newborns.